This time of year, I often turn my mind to the big picture of my coaching. As one of the players I coach is fond of saying; what is action without reflection?


I've decided it's about time I built a philosophy to overarching all my coaching. I've always had a vague idea of "helping people get better at cricket, because they can". This year has taught me a lot more, so I am starting to formulate some pillars that I can thread through the way I coach and the influence I have on the team.


Heres my first draft.


My philosophy as cricket coach


To give cricketers the opportunity to develop into the best they can be as a player and as a person.

  • Mindset: Building a team culture based on trust and a growth mindset. Expecting the highest standards of effort and behaviour, and challenging players to meet these standards.
  • Goals: Using data and coaching to build plans based on individual goals. Measuring the success of these goals. Using these measurements as a driver for more enjoyment, skill and determination.
  • Coaching: Creating training that takes players onto the learning edge and allows them to think for themselves. Coaching by questioning, observing and collaborating. Giving honest, constructive feedback based on player's and team goals.


I'm not totally happy with this. Questions I ask myself are things like,

  • What do I mean by culture of trust and growth, and how do I do that?
  • Is there more to coaching than questions?
  • Is there enough cricket in it, or is it a bit too high-falutin'?
  • How do I present this to players (if at all) and how will individuals respond? Is there anything I can do about negative views or actions from this exercise?

I certainly believe in this as a both a philosophy and a practical approach to coaching. I just need to clarify things further in my mind. More reflection to come, I'm sure.

AuthorDavid Hinchliffe