As this is the first article, you are going to get an introduction to the site. I reserve the right to change how I do things as I go along, but for now here is the past and my ideas for the future at
What's with the name?
It's one I made up in 2001 when I joined a web forum on a whim. I ended up working for the site full time and by then the name had stuck. Over a decade later I bought the domain because I figured it would be easy to say out loud to people. Wars have been started on less.
How did things start?
After leaving the forum for a networking tech job, I started a little site on the side about cricket coaching called which merged with PitchVision Academy in 2008. I became Director of Coaching there and have been living the dream ever since.
PVA is a huge archive of material written, collected, recorded and edited by yours truly. I'm super-proud of it and if you play or coach cricket you should absolutely go over there and do a deep dive into the pool of content. But there is also a corporate image to maintain. There are dependencies on other people. I can't always make stuff the way I want to make it. That's not a complaint, far from it, but it means I needed another outlet.
What to expect
So I created this site to be more personal, to put the stuff I would never dream of putting on the "day job" site. Equally, I won't be adding articles and videos that are better suited to PVA. This site is my place to play with formats, take longer to make things and to be more personal.
Franky, its also to show off, to have a lark about and to connect with like minded souls.
Of course, as a cricket coach with over 20 years experience, and total cricket badger, that means I'm often going to be talking about cricket. There will be advice and experiences,
So if you want a kind of personal sidebar to PVA, this is the place for you.
And if you want private coaching from me (as a speaker, coach or consultant) you can hit me up without my work cap getting in the way.
I'll also be talk about fitness, food, technology and anything else that swings across my life. My aim is to do it in an interesting and entertaining manner, but also to give you something practical from the site. My first bit of advice is to subscribe via email so you get the site updates when the come out. If you don't like it you can opt out. If you do like it, then let me know!
What's next?
Honestly, if you subscribe via email you will not miss out. My plan is to update once or twice a week with long form articles, video blogs, how to guides, analysis of trends in technology relevant to cricket coaching. I might change that depending on how well it goes, but I guess that's up to you as much as it is me.
Join me for the ride and we might have a little fun.